Have an eye for global trends

──Apr 20 , 2021In the era of data energy and Internet of Everything, why will opportunity favor Chinese civilization? (II)

In the second decade since China's reform and opening up, we are still in a state of anxiety, whether it is the price rises of the 1990s, the return of Hong Kong and Macao, the bombing of our embassy by the United States, and especially the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis, which left us with a fragile financial system. (In other words, if China did not choose to open up gradually, Instead, they chose the foolish reform and opening up of the Soviet East Group,1997The Asian financial crisis of 2003 was over). When will China begin to find the sense of a budding civilization? I think it was two thousand years later, that is, after human beings entered the Internet, that China began to reactivate the wisdom energy that had been sleeping for hundreds of years. By what? It is no exaggeration to say that the birth of the Internet, let our civilization suddenly found deja vu the return of the Yan awakening road. The Internet has reconnected this fragmented world, and the road to the return of the high-dimensional wisdom of Chinese civilization is also in line with the wisdom of the unity of nature and man with the arrival of the Internet era of everything. China, which has struggled for nearly 200 years, is finally breaking the ice and waking up...

As we have mentioned in the previous article, the cosmological view of Chinese civilization determines the Chinese civilization's cognition of the world. In the Confucian cultural circle, the Chinese culture always regards the world as a whole, and any individual is bound to dissolve in the whole, and to do for the whole is to do for ourselves. Therefore, what an individual does for the whole is quite appropriate.
Because of this cognition, the whole world view of the Confucian cultural circle is determined. This world view never advocates separation, but pursues the unity of the collective, and takes it as beauty and pride... 

Thousands of years of "central unification+The self-consistent order of "squire autonomy" is the foundation and proof of the wisdom of the integration of Chinese civilization and the integration of nature and man. In this civilization, the clan, the collective, the country and the world have always been the biggest, and it is natural for this group to sacrifice the individual for the clan, the collective, the country and the world. Such feelings have long entered the genetic background of the Chinese civilization family...

In the era of data energy and Internet of Everything, why will opportunity favor Chinese civilization? (II)

Therefore, when the wheel of human history pushes the new era of interconnection of everything into the eyes of the Chinese civilization, the natural fit and the cosmology of the Chinese civilization appear seamless;

The physical elements of the new era, such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, data energy bank and so on, are just tools. The appearance of these physical elements and tools makes the background color of Chinese civilization and wisdom, and the natural combination of the new world connected with everything. The huge energy generated by the resonance of this energy has not come back to the West yet. The upgrading and empowerment of world civilization has confirmed the natural position of the locomotive of Chinese civilization, and the West will once again return to the track of followers. It would be a natural fact...

As I mentioned in the previous article, in the new world, the innate advantages of our data energy pool over Europe and the United States, combined with the world's first tier of group advantages in data collection, delivery and cloud computing, will naturally be reflected in all aspects of the global economy. Our leadership for the next generation is not because we need to conquer the world for power; Our civilization does not want to seek hegemony. What we want is universal harmony. Therefore, there is no need for Chinese civilization to conquer the world. In this regard, the Western world still stays on the cognition of "measuring the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a small man". It will take time for them to agree. We will wait for the awakening of the West in the rising trend. In the future world, China needs to embrace the world, and the world needs to embrace the dragon and vigorous China...

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In the era of data energy and Internet of Everything, why will opportunity favor Chinese civilization? (I)


What kind of knowledge is being exported to human beings in the era of data energy of the Internet of everything? (I)