Have an eye for global trends

──Apr 20 , 2021In the era of data energy and Internet of Everything, why will opportunity favor Chinese civilization? (I)

This also has to start from the wisdom of Chinese civilization background color!

What is the background color of Chinese civilization? Why is it closer to the ultimate intelligence of the universe? I have already made relevant expressions in the previous article, so I will not repeat them here. Why the new world of the Internet of Everything must be deeply related to Chinese civilization? Why has this once Westernized civilization dominated the recent Internet era300As the world began to shift its center of gravity eastward? These are the questions we need to answer. Looking back on the road China has traveled since opening up, in fact, the first two decades are extremely uneasy, whether it is the first decade of the first two decades, or the second decade after entering the 1990s. We're all walking on eggshells. In the first decade, after we started the dual-track price system, the prevalence of "bureaucratic corruption" created the first chaotic situation in the national economy. There is a huge difference between the price of the same means of production, the price within the system of that year, and the market price of the individual economy. This naturally created rent-seeking space for the power class within the system, and the rampant "official overthrow" in those years made the people very dissatisfied. Later (88The country found that this is not feasible, decided to fully liberalize the price of means of production (that is, let the price dual track system), resulting in the market has not completed the price reform, there has been a power rent-seeking class, because of the natural advantage of close to the water to make raw materials "hoarding", resulting in the price of means of production market prices skyrocketed in advance. That, in turn, has crimped and hurt the capacity of front-end producers, as the state has been forced to cut or even shut down production in order to control soaring raw material prices. Can be said to88,89,90These three years are the second period of economic difficulties encountered by the new China. This is the true state of affairs in the first ten years since reform and opening up. Why do we want to review this history? Because most of us who can read this article did not live through that era, the China in many people's minds has always been2000What China will look like after 2000. In fact, a more severe time in China was during the cold winter of the Communist movement in the eastern Soviet Union,1989Year to year1998This decade has been the most difficult for China. Why is it hard? There were several reasons. One of the fatal reasons was that the disintegration of the Soviet East made the whole world question how long China could survive. How did China get through this most difficult period? Why is China the only country in the world to have passed this life and death crisis? We need to review, in fact, the root cause of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the East. There have been many articles written by various researchers. I just want to talk about my views from the perspective of finance and from the perspective of the highest wisdom of global integration. In a word: In fact, the most fundamental reason for the disintegration of the Soviet Union and East China was the complete decoupling from globalization. If viewed from the perspective of the ultimate wisdom of the universe, it was the pursuit of separation. As a result, the Soviet Union and East China Group went too far on the road of separation and finally collapsed...

In the era of data energy and Internet of Everything, why will opportunity favor Chinese civilization? (I)

To put it in a more straightforward logic, the Soviet Bloc has been operating its own economic system in a separate and closed way. That is to say, after the Second World War, under the US-Soviet confrontation pattern, the United States has always been the initiator and the biggest beneficiary of globalization, while the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc are anti-globalization. Operating in a closed economy in a separate direction from the rest of the world. Due to the severe isolation of the Soviet East Group from the overall world market, such ideological isolation and cognition make the economic system of the Soviet East Group gradually far away from the integrated world. As a result, the powerful economic aggregate created by the Soviet East Group in the past 40 years has not been connected with the global integration through the monetization and financialization of its own closed economic aggregate. This closed economic system without monetization. However, the radical reform led by Gorbachev in the Soviet Union, Walesa in Poland and Honecker in the Democratic Germany was the internal cause of the collapse of the Soviet Bloc. If the planned economy is not monetized and integrated with global capital and trade, the risks are huge. The collapse of the Soviet Bloc allowed the Western world, led by the United States, to get plenty of oil. In fact, the planned economic system of the Sudong Group is also China1992The basic pattern before 2000,1992In China before 2000, it was possible to travel around the country without money. Food stamps, cloth stamps, oil stamps, meat stamps, all kinds of daily necessities can be exchanged with these tickets. When this non-monetized economic system ran into turmoil in the Eastern Bloc, our senior leaders began to realize and reflect on themselves, and gradually realized the serious consequences brought by the decades of closure. But how to embrace is not a hugging hugging? It should be said that the disintegration of the Soviet East Group, so that China from the separation of the world finally began the real return, this landmark event, is from1992Since 2005, China has completely cancelled the non-monetized supply of these notes under the planned economy model, integrated the Chinese economy into the global financial and monetary system, and promoted the comprehensive monetization of the national economy. The Ministry of Finance sold national debt single-hanly, and the central bank bought national debt with hand-printed money. China finally found the core antidote to the Soviet crisis: the comprehensive monetization of the national economy. Of course, until now, although we have been integrated into the process of global integration through the comprehensive monetization of the national economy, the RMB exchange rate has not been opened to direct convertibility under the capital account. The internal reasons are not the focus of this article. As you can understand by analogy, the channel of free convertibility under the capital account is especially like the border of our motherland in terms of financial war. Opening this corridor in the face of aggressive Western Jewish financial conglomerates means we have no Wehrmacht to defend our borders. Of course, when our financial system is built up to defend itself against financial war, this channel will have to be opened.

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Why A shares will usher in more than a decade of slow cattle? (II)


In the era of data energy and Internet of Everything, why will opportunity favor Chinese civilization? (II)