Domestic and foreign intellectual property rights

──Feb 22 , 2023What documents are needed for trademark renewal?

       The trademark is valid for ten years after registration. If you want to continue using the trademark after ten years, you need to renew the trademark. The copy of the trademark registration certificate and the copy of the company's business license need to be provided for trademark renewal, but the copy of the company's business license needs to be stamped with fresh seal. Then our company will make a power of attorney according to these documents, and stamp on the power of attorney. After the above documents are ready, the trademark renewal can be handled. It can go on like this indefinitely.

       The renewal period of the trademark is one year in advance, so it needs to be renewed one year in advance. If it is overdue, there will be a half-year extension period. If it is not renewed after the extension period, the trademark will be invalid.

      What documents are needed for trademark renewal?

       CycloseThe company is committed to providing corporate audit, tax declaration, registration, annual inspection, tax planning, intellectual property and other services for domestic and foreign customers in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and other regions. Efficient, rigorous, intimate service has been favored by many private enterprises, listed companies and large state-owned enterprises.


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