Tax trivia

──Aug 27 , 2021Accounting treatment of enterprise house purchase sold to employees at a low price

In the production and operation activities, the enterprise will buy the housing at a low price to sell to the staff, then the enterprise to the business accounting treatment?

(1) The fair value shall be recorded when the enterprise purchases the housing:

Borrow: Fixed assets

     Loan: bank deposit

(2) When selling a house to an employee, if it is stipulated in the contract or agreement of the sale of the house that the employee should provide service for at least the number of years after the purchase of the house, and if the employee leaves early, part of the price difference should be returned, the enterprise shall treat the difference as a long-term unamortized expense and amortize it evenly within the service years stipulated in the contract or agreement. According to the beneficiaries, the relevant asset cost or current profit and loss are recorded respectively.
        Borrow: bank deposit
             Long-term deferred expenses
             Loan: fixed assets

(III) Amortization of long-term unamortized expenses:

Borrow: Administrative expenses
            Selling expense
            Production cost
            Credit: employee compensation payable-Non-monetary benefits

Borrow: employee compensation payable-Non-monetary benefits
            Credit: long-term deferred expenses

For example:2020 years 5 The moon,AThe company bought20A new set of housing to be sold to workers at a preferential price, the company altogether 20Employees, among them 10 It's called direct production personnel,5It's called company Officer.5The average purchase price per unit of the house that Company A intends to sell to each person is 80 Ten thousand yuan, the price of each set sold to employees60 Ten thousand yuan; The housing sale agreement stipulates that employees must serve in the company after obtaining the housing 10 Year, without considering related taxes and fees, how should A company sell housing accounting treatment?

(1) When buying a house:

Borrow: Fixed assets      1600
            Loan: bank deposit 1600

(2) When sold to employees:

Borrow: bank deposit       1200
            Long-term deferred expenses   400

    Loan: fixed assets   1600

(3For each year after the sale of the house, Company A shall make a straight line payment 10 Long-term deferred expenses amortized during the year:

Borrow: cost of production          20
          Administrative expenses              10
          Selling expense              10
          Credit: employee compensation payable   40

Borrow: employee compensation payable      40
          Loan: Long-term deferred expenses  40

Accounting treatment of enterprise house purchase sold to employees at a low price

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