Tax trivia

──Jan 31 , 2021How to calculate personal income tax when getting annual one-time bonus?

Recently, many enterprises have begun to calculate the year-end bonus. How should the individual income tax be confirmed when the individual gets the year-end bonus? Next, my tax accountant office will explain to you:

I. Annual one-time bonus: refers to the one-time bonus paid by withholding agents such as administrative organs, enterprises and public institutions to employees based on their annual economic benefits and comprehensive assessment of the employees' annual work performance. Including year-end salary increase, annual salary system and performance-based pay system units according to the assessment of the annual salary and performance-based pay.

2. According to finance and taxation [2018:164In accordance with the Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on the Adjustment of the Method of calculating and levying Individual Income Tax on the Individual obtaining the annual One-off Bonus2005:9It is stipulated in2021years12month31A few days ago, not incorporated into the comprehensive income of the year, to the annual one-time bonus income divided12The amount received in each month shall be calculated separately according to the consolidated income tax rate table after monthly conversion to determine the applicable tax rate and the quick deduction number. The calculation formula is:

Tax payable=Annual one-time bonus income×Applicable tax rate-Quick deduction

Individual residents who receive annual one-time bonuses may also choose to incorporate them into their comprehensive income for tax purposes. Since the2022years1month1From date on, the annual one-time bonus obtained by individual residents shall be incorporated into the comprehensive income of the year to calculate and pay individual income tax.

If Zhang obtained2020Annual one-time bonus is50000Yuan, choose not to be incorporated into the comprehensive income of the year, then how should this bonus calculate individual income tax?

1.First of all, we should determine the applicable tax rate and the number of quick deductions: with50000Element divided by12I get a quotient of months4166.67Yuan, use this quotient to find the comprehensive income tax rate table after monthly conversion, get10%Tax sum210The number of quick deductions in the element.

2.Calculate the tax payable=50000*10%-210=4790Yuan, the year Zhang Mou on this annual one-time bonus need to pay4790Yuan personal income tax.


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