Overseas company knowledge base

──Mar 04 , 2021The difference between ODI and FDI

Overseas companyFDI(Full English name:Foreign Direct Investment), specifically referring to foreign enterprises investing in mainland China, if they want to open a bank in mainland ChinaNRAAccount: You need to apply for the special organization code form at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of China, which is equivalent to the corporate "ID card" of an overseas company in mainland China and one of the very important bank account opening materials. Moreover, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange does not directly accept the application for the code form, but the bank selected by the applicant will handle it on behalf of the applicant. The code form is only the "identity certificate" of an overseas company in mainland China.,Therefore, as long as the company is not registered in sensitive areas or countries, complete documents can generally apply for, and the nationality of the company legal person has nothing to do with. For a Hong Kong company, the required information is:

1) Business registration (BR);

2) Certificate of incorporation (CI);

3) Articles of association of the company;

4) A seal;

5) Incorporation form (NNC1);

6) All the above documents shall be the verified original issued by Hong Kong certified public accountant;

7) Identity certificate of shareholders and directors (copy of passport and ID card);

If mainland Chinese companies want to doODI(Full English nameoverseas direct investment), especially referring to Chinese enterprises investing abroad, it is necessary to go to the competent commercial department in the place where the company is located to handle the record of foreign investment and get the "enterprise foreign investment certificate".

AApplication conditions: enterprises in mainland China (excluding enterprises that perform the functions of investor under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, their affiliated enterprises, and other units under central administration) or legal persons of public institutions.

BEnterprises need to declare online, while offline also need to submit paper documents to the business hall for the record window.

CIf you need to handle foreign investment, our company has rich experience, you can consult at any time.

DChengdu enterprises need to prepare the data: (in duplicate)

1) Filing form of paper materials for overseas investment by Chengdu enterprises; 

2) Articles of association (or contracts and agreements) related to the establishment of enterprises or mergers and acquisitions with foreign investment;

3) relevant board resolutions or investment resolutions;

4The latest audited financial statements (full set);

5Description of the implementation of the preliminary work (including due diligence, feasibility study report, explanation of sources of investment funds, analysis and evaluation of investment environment, etc.);

6Letter of commitment for the authenticity of overseas investment;

ODIwithFDIThe difference between

CycloseThe company is committed to providing domestic and foreign customers with corporate audit, tax declaration, registration, annual inspection, tax planning and other services in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and other regions. Efficient, rigorous, intimate service has been favored by many private enterprises, listed companies and large state-owned enterprises.


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