Ruse dynamic

──Nov 03 , 2020Huanze Group to build their own chopsticks

In the world of tableware, our Chinese chopsticks have always been a very special existence, want to taste all the food of our country, chopsticks are indispensable tools, so, in order to makeCycloseEmployees can have their own "props", we chose one afternoon carpentry----"Build" chopsticks.

Huanze Group construction

The woodworking place is in the West Village Compound of Chengdu, which is full of traditional architectural elements such as algae plates and forest plates. It is the perfect place to integrate our traditional culture with the regional characteristics of Sichuan. Before starting, the carpentry teacher also introduced many kinds of wood, because different kinds of woodgeThey all have different uses, such as ironwood, rosewood, bamboo and so on, but we chose ironwood because it has a finer grain and doesn't have any burrs on the surface. Then the teacher also explained to everyone how to use the tools, as well as matters needing attention. After the introduction, at the command, everyone instantly moved, some colleagues made a "stick" shape, some made a "two ends of the tip", some two chopsticks each have a "shape", in this process, laughter constantly, constant situation, everyone enjoy it, temporarily forget the troubles in life, release the pressure in work.

Huanze Group construction

Chopsticks look easy, but they are not easy to make, for to turn a piece of wood into a pair of chopsticks, it takes constant polishing.16The corners have to be rounded, and the difference between the two roots should not be too big, which is a very test of patience, and then have to persist, in the process of production, but the final result is very good. This activity also enhanced the relationship between employees and strengthened the atmosphere of "big family". Huanze employees are working together for the growth of the company and making progress together!

Huanze Group construction

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