Overseas company knowledge base

──Jun 20 , 2022On the Hong Kong company current payment letter problem analysis!

Hong Kong corporate auditWhen the report is sent to the customer, in addition to the audit report requiring the customer's signature, there are audit attachments together with the audit report. The audit attachments generally include the audit engagement letter, director's salary description and audit adjustment items requiring the customer's signature, as well as the important current payment confirmation letter requiring the signature of the supplier or customer.

Recently, the customer encountered a series of problems in the payment letter of the Hong Kong company. For example, the supplier or the customer just didn't sign, so what should be done? After asking the customer, he learned that he could not get the money back after the payment was made. The customer explained that the two parties did not cooperate in the dispute. Treatment method 1: If the payment is made and the other party also provides the service but does not issue the invoice, can you find the evidence of the service provided with the information? So it can be treated as the cost. Handling method two: if there is no service provided and no invoice, the dispute began, then you can only write a statement of the situation, ready to put the current payment in a reasonable period of bad debt processing.

Therefore, the other party does not confirm the current payment, so it is necessary to analyze the reason and implement the alternative procedure to obtain sufficient and appropriateHong Kong corporate auditEvidence.

On the Hong Kong company current payment letter problem analysis!

CycloseThe company is committed to providing domestic and foreign customers with corporate audit, tax declaration, registration, annual inspection, tax planning and other services in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and other regions. Efficient, rigorous, intimate service has been favored by many private enterprises, listed companies and large state-owned enterprises.


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