Tax trivia

──Nov 28 , 2022Mortgage deduction of several options, which is more suitable for you!

Individual income tax additional deduction, many people have housing loan interest special additional deduction, today and you share the housing loan interest special additional deduction requirements and deduction amount of choice.

First of all, the special additional deduction of housing loan interest is required. The first point is that the loan can only use commercial banks or housing provident fund loans generated by the loan interest; The second point is that the housing needs to be in China; The third point is that the interest expense is the first housing loan interest expense; Finally, the maximum deduction period shall not exceed240A month.

Housing loan interest special additional deduction amount is1000yuan/Month, the deduction method is3Species,1.Husband separate buckle100%(1000Yuan)2.Wife separate deduction100%(1000Yuan)3.Husband and wife deduct separately50%(Each spouse deducts500Yuan). So this3How to choose the deduction method? It's actually quite simple, because our combined income tax rate is a step increase, which means that the higher the income, the higher the individual income tax rate involved. So in order to better reduce the tax burden, it is better to choose the side with higher income according to100%(1000Yuan) each month, rather than opting for separate deductions for husband and wife50%.

Mortgage deduction of several options, which is more suitable for you!

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