Overseas company knowledge base

──May 15 , 2024Disadvantages of frequent change of company address in Hong Kong

       At present, there are many Hong Kong companies established for many years in the market, and they will receive a phone call from the bank asking: your Hong Kong company address has to be changed many times every year, why do you need to change the Hong Kong company address so frequently?
      This is because the customer is registered in Hong Kong company is looking for a low price secretary. This kind of Hong Kong company secretary does not have his own office address in Hong Kong, and is attached to other secretaries with addresses or use virtual addresses. Therefore, such secretaries need to change their addresses frequently to avoid the investigation and punishment of the company registry. In this case, most of the customers of the registered Hong Kong company are unaware of the unauthorized change of the registered address of the company by the registered secretary.
      This will bring risks to the Hong Kong company: first of all, the bank will be concerned about the purpose of the company's change of address, and may choose to close the account opened by the company in order to prevent the risk. Secondly, the Hong Kong Companies Registry will also focus on and review Hong Kong companies that frequently change their addresses.
      Therefore, when you find that the registered secretary has frequently changed the registered address of the Hong Kong company without your authorization. At this point, you need to consider changing your Hong Kong company secretary to avoid the risks associated with such a secretary.


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